Office of Academic Services

OAS Faculty Contacts

Robert Ghrist
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
Ensures the quality and effectiveness of undergraduate programs and experiences. Chairs the Undergraduate Affairs Committee.

Boon Thau Loo
Senior Associate Dean for Education and Global Initiatives
Oversees graduate programs, international engagement, and fostering entrepreneurial spirit in engineering. Chairs the Graduate Affairs Committee.

Paulo Arratia
Faculty Director of Undergraduate Research
Provides leadership and support for undergraduate research opportunities.

OAS Staff Contacts

Bryanna Bonner
Associate Director of Student Life
Kim Bothi
Managing Director
Emily Delany
ODEI and Advising Coordinator
Ellen Eckert
Director for Undergraduate Admissions and Advising
Alyse Edwards
Director for Graduate Programs
Katie Elliott
Front Desk Coordinator
Ocek Eke
Director for Graduate Students Programming
Tori Frew
Assistant Registrar
S. Sonya Gwak
Director of Global Initiatives
Martisha Hardy
ESAP Program Coordinator
Courtney Johnson
Graduate Academic Affairs Coordinator
Kendall Johnson
Interim Associate Director of Student Affairs
Lauren Kemp
Employer Relationship Manager
Sunny Lin
Student Affairs Coordinator
Emily Parry
Associate Director of Professional Development and Networking
Michaile Rainey
Director, Advancing Women in Engineering and Special Programs
Olivia Roth
Director of Student Success and Advising
Saryu Sanghani
Career Advisor, Penn Engineering Online
Jason Steinmetz
Diane Tsang
Data Analyst

Additional Programmatic Contacts

Engineering Entrepreneurship Program
Website | Contact Information

Summer Mentorship Program (SMP)/UNITE Robotics Leadership (UNITE)
Chanda Jefferson

Phone: 215-746-8126
Website | Contact Information

Get to OAS:

The Office of Academic Services (OAS) is located in 109 Towne Building.

Office hours are from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm Monday through Friday during the academic term.

To contact the office, call the reception desk at 215-898-7246 or email